Mendoza in Hollywood

I'm not sure why I picked up this book. I was on one of my I-just-cashed-my-check-and-the-bookstore-is-right-outside-the-bank's-door-so-why-not-buy-a-book-trips. Maybe it was the name, Mendoza in Hollywood...something caught my traveling eye, and the backcover's teaser of a time traveling cyborg botanist sealed the deal. It even managed to jump to the head of my to-read-list. Turns out to have been well worth the effort. And joy of joys, it's even part of series.

For time travel, there's not a lot of gee-whiz gadgets, instead their's nuggets of pseudohistory that keep one enthralled. Well, it kept me there. I'm aching to find out what the other books in the series are like now, but the used bookstore isn't open This late.
